What We Believe
Mission Statement
It is Greenway’s mission to be:
- The company of choice for customers within its scope of operations
- The company that provides the best working environment for employees in the industry
- The company with production results superior to competitors in the field
Greenway Organic Dynamism
- We are a growing, vibrant, organic entity
- We are not today what we were yesterday
- We are not today what we will be tomorrow
- All phases of Greenway are subject to daily scrutiny and revision for improvement
- We will continually strive to grow and be better
- That is the “Greenway Way”
Greenway Pledge
- We will never be OUT-WORKED
- We will never be OUT-PLANNED by our competition
- You Can Count On Me
Code of Ethics
- Is it legal?
- Does it violate civil law?
- Does it violate company policy?
- Is it balanced?
- Is it fair to all parties concerned?
- Does it promote win-win relationships?
- How will it make me feel about myself?
- Can I look myself in the eye in the mirror?
- Would I feel good if my actions were published in the newspaper?
- Greenway will beat 90% of the competition because we have a better work ethic, a higher sense of integrity and greater perseverance
- We will compete with the top 10%
- To be successful, Greenway must be in the top 5% – people, trust, quality and procedures
The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 Rule means that in most matters only 20% is vital and 80% is trivial. Project Managers know that 20% of the work (the first 10% and the last 10%) will consume 80% of their time and resources. The value of the Pareto Principle is to serve as a reminder to identify and focus on the 20% that matters.