Our Culture
Mission Statement
At Greenway, our mission is to be:
- The preferred choice for customers in our industry.
- The leader in providing the best working environment for employees.
- The benchmark for superior production results compared to our competitors.
Greenway Organic Dynamism
- We are a thriving, evolving organization.
- We are not what we were yesterday, and we will not be what we will be tomorrow.
- Every aspect of Greenway is subject to continuous evaluation and improvement.
- Our commitment to growth and excellence defines the “Greenway Way.”
Greenway Pledge
We will never be outworked.
We will never be out-planned by our competition.
You Can Count On Me.
Code of Ethics
We ask ourselves:
- Is it legal?
- Does it violate civil law?
- Does it comply with company policy?
- Is it balanced and fair to all parties involved?
- Does it promote win-win relationships?
- How will this decision affect my self-esteem?
- Can I look myself in the mirror with confidence?
- Would I feel proud if my actions were publicly disclosed?
- Greenway will outperform 90% of the competition through a stronger work ethic, higher integrity, and unwavering perseverance.
- We aim to compete with the top 10%.
- To achieve success, we must position ourselves in the top 5% in terms of people, trust, quality, and procedures.
Do Right Principle
- Transparency in Communication
- Ethical Decision-Making
- Respect for Colleagues
- Accountability for Mistakes
- Sustainability Practices
- Fair Treatment of Customers
- Support for Team Development
- Community Engagement
The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 Rule reminds us that 20% of our efforts yield 80% of the results. Project Managers recognize that the initial and final phases of a project will often consume the majority of time and resources. By identifying and focusing on the vital 20%, we maximize our effectiveness.